From the Chairman, George Perry.
I am a veterinarian and have been involved in gatekeeping activities at the national level for a number of years. I share some of these activities.
Where I work in the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources here in Canberra, I sit at the “master” national gate, believing that God is bringing His influence, especially His righteousness, into managing the imports of animals and animal products into this nation through the various national border gates with God-inspired policies. I am not the CEO, SES or anyone high up in the government mountain, just a veterinary officer. But it is very apparent that the Lord, through me, has brought His righteousness into several situations. It’s not who you are or whether you are in a position of influence in the mountain, but whose you are, knowing that He has called you to be within the mountain and this is where God has placed you. This is not about being a person of influence within the mountain, but serving the God who does the influencing (Proverbs 21:1).
This is not always about being a person with spiritual authority, but often about being an instrument of God’s righteousness. Religion teaches us that we are statues of God’s righteousness (a position), but faith in God inspires us that we are His powerful rods of righteousness, with His righteousness transforming outcomes. Not everything is about casting out demons and such, exercising spiritual authority. Much is about bringing the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all His righteousness into the workplace.
I share some testimonies of this …
Some years ago, back in 2001, the Lord had placed me within a hard working team tasked with proving Australia’s freedom from BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), commonly known as mad-cow disease, to our trading partners. The team had been struggling with this task for a few years and desperately needed a breakthrough on a crucial issue. Australia had imported many live cattle from the United Kingdom during the critical years and, because of the scale of the outbreak in the UK, there was a risk of an infected imported animal, dead or alive somewhere in Australia. Although Australia had closed the gate to imports of live cattle and at-risk cattle products, this could have been a case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted. My task was to help finding out if the horse had bolted, that is, if we had imported an infected animal. A break through was needed and God delivered miraculously and I was involved in these miracles, too numerous to describe here. But many of you have already heard my testimony. The outcome of the team effort, because there were many factors to cover, was Australia being amongst the first country in the world recognised as officially free from BSE, all because of God’s intervention with His truth and righteousness.
Several years later, around the time I retired from active work for a while, the Lord placed me in a very strategic position within a legal team representing the Australian Government in a class action case. At the beginning, the outlook was very bleak with many believing the government would have to pay several hundred million dollars in damages. God led me to the truth of what actually happened, much to the disbelief of many experts, and the legal team developed their case, using this truth to bring about a dramatic closure to the class action. It was never contested in open court. Again this was because of God’s intervention with His truth and righteousness.
Since returning to work part-time a couple of years ago, I have assisted with drafting policies for importing certain animals and animal products, including semen and embryos. Some were very controversial. Often teams involved in this type of work were under severe stress. Some left work, some transferred to other tasks. My skills and efforts were well recognised and had helped to alleviate much of the stress involved. However, I believe that if I had the confidence of an open heaven above me with well-developed spiritual senses, I believe could have done much more.
All these experiences showed me that God loves this nation and wants to protect His creation, including the cattle, sheep and goats, from the ravages of the exotic diseases that destroys livestock in many other nations.
The amazing thing about being God’s instrument of righteousness was that it did not come about by spending time in prayer, but by simply meditating on the fact the I have absolutely no righteousness in me, only His righteousness that He gave me. If I was to pick a bible passage that guided me in all these episodes, it would be Proverbs 3:1-8.
My blueprint was that I was to keep His commands, to love Him, my workmates and myself. I was to pursue the truth of what had happened or is happening or could happen. I was not to pursue fuzzy logic as a friend of mine would say, which is the way of the world, but pursue the truth and not only for His sake or mine, but also for the sake of my workmates and the nation, to see them blessed. It with this attitude that I found favour and esteem in the sight of God and man.
In pursuing the truth, I was to always leave my heart open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He took me to places where I could find the truth. I was to trust Him always, not to worry about details as He would bring the details to me. Because of my deafness, I had a tendency to worry about missing out on some important details. But God took care of all that. When we are weak, He is strong within us. We are not to be afraid of being weak. We are not to lean on our understanding but to trust Him in ALL His ways. I did not have to plan anything, apart from booking my flights and accommodation during my investigations and such, but to simply trust Him that He had a plan.
As I mentioned above, I wasn’t confident of an open heaven above me where I worked. I wasn’t confident with my spiritual senses. I believe there is so much more about sitting at the gates that I have hardly scratched the surface. This was confirmed for me in one of my prayer time. I had sensed a challenging question “Do you know where all the gates and walls are in your personal life, in your home, in your neighbourhood and workplace, and in your nation? CAN YOU SEE THEM?”.
The last sentence hit me hard. This set me of on a journey seeking His answers, because I really wasn’t very sure. I certainly wasn’t seeing the gates as such. I was never taught that I should have good spiritual senses. Yet the bible says amongst many other relevant passages:
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:1-2).
Seek involve searching out with all your spiritual senses. If we set our minds on the things of the world, we use our physical senses. Thus, to me, setting our minds on things above requires us to employ our spiritual senses.
I sensed this is a critical part of the Lord’s call to us to Get Ready, Get Set. Once we’re on the blocks, ready to go, we need all our faculties brought into operation, all spirit senses, soul senses and physical senses to be His gatekeepers at the gates. In other words, we need heaven here on earth, with all its unlimited resources and we need to know how to use them.
Many doubt their call to be His gatekeepers, and many are failing to hear that call. Some who here go looking for people of influence to be His gatekeepers, but, no, we are His gatekeepers. We are to lift Jesus in all that we do, and He will draw all men to Himself.
Being His gatekeepers is our inheritance from Abraham, as emphasised in Genesis 22:15-18
Then the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said: “By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son— blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
and Galatians 3:29
And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Fear not and hold fast!! Do not look to the past, do not be dismayed by the present, look to the future!! Hold fast!! Hold fast!! A whole new dimension is coming as heaven invades earth. My kingdom is here and will come in increasing glory. Heaven is here and will come in increasing glory!! Get ready!! Get set!! It won’t be long before I say GO!! Time is short!!